Hiking Adventure – “Gosford Glyphs”

First, I read this article: Hieroglyphics Experts Declare Ancient Egyptian Carvings in Australia to be AUTHENTIC.

Just one hour drive away from Sydney we decided to go there by ourselves. We were three explorers ready to see the (almost) unbelieveable 😉

It was really hard to find it and we almost gave up after hiking for hours through spider webs and difficult terrain (Quite a workout!). Just before our water supply reached the critical level… we found them: The Gosford Glyphs on two massive rocks!
They are quite impressive and if the hieroglyphics experts are right that the Gosford Glyphs are not a hoax it would rewrite the human history…
If you are also also keen to explore the area and to see the Glyphs by yourself these are the correct coordinates:

Lat: -33.451293
Lng: 151.302614