Tip: The Modified Jefferson Deadlift

The Jefferson deadlift is an old-school classic. Use this variation (staggered stance) to really nail your glutes and hamstrings.

The sumo deadlift isn’t a bad lift to use for glute development because the glutes tend to be in a more lengthened state compared to conventional deadlifts. Also, because of the foot position (toes turned outwards), you start and finish with a significant degree of external hip rotation. But you can amplify these benefits with this variation of the Jefferson deadlift.

With the traditional Jefferson, you straddle the bar evenly, feet on each side. With the split or staggered stance version, one foot is going to be in front of the body and the other behind it. You’ll also be in a wider, more sumo-style position, and have to get down very low.

Some Tips & Tricks

  • Try using smaller plates to increase the range of motion.
  • Load the hamstrings and glutes by telling yourself to screw your feet into the floor and getting into a wide, staggered stance.
  • Also think about twisting your feet outward as you perform the concentric (lifting) portion of the rep.
  • Put your ego aside and use higher-rep sets here. Your hams and glutes should be screaming. Try sets of 15. Instead of setting the bar on the floor, stop it about an inch or two above to keep all of the tension on the glutes and hams.
  • If you have short T-Rex arms, be careful and don’t rack yourself in the crotchal region.

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Source: Tip: The Modified Jefferson Deadlift