Kettlebells are a great tool to develop total-body strength, aerobic fitness and create a metabolic environment conducive to improved athletic performance – when they are used correctly. If you’re looking to incorporate kettlebells into your training, here are eight of the most effective exercises to start with. EXERCISE #1: THE SWING How To: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and in
What the fitness industry often forgets is that a lot of people just don’t want to workout. This is hard to swallow for a bunch of former athletes and type A’s who got into physical training because they love exercising. We want people to feel as excited as we are about crushing a hard workout, learning
Build Muscle and Boost Testosterone This workout starts with something nasty right out of the gate to get you moving at a whirlwind pace – an all-out barn-burner on the rower as you push for max distance in five minutes. Shoot for 800 to 1,500 meters each time and you’ll thank me later. The row will put your heart
© Ist Joggen besser für’s Gehirn oder soll man lieber regelmässig Yoga machen? Forscher untersuchten, welcher Sport sich am besten zur Vorbeugung von Demenz und Alzheimer eignet. Joggen oder Yoga: Was ist besser für’s Gehirn? Wer sich viel bewegt, bleibt auch geistig fit. Daher ist Bewegung ein wichtiger Faktor in Sachen Demenz- und Alzheimerprävention.
Exercises to Burn Fat and Calories You don’t have to officially be in a ‘gym‘ to burn calories and lose weight. All means of ‘physical exertion’ or ‘physical activity’ in general – burns calories (energy). This means voluntary movements such as walking, talking, brushing your hair and teeth, (or sex) and involuntary movements such as breathing and the
Image: Whether you’re a weightlifter or a multi-modal CrossFit athlete, barbell complexes can be valuable for various reasons. Mike Tromello—a USA Weightlifting National Coach, who has coached many national-level weightlifters—explained the importance of barbell complexes within in the sport weightlifting. Barbell complexes are great for: Improving lifting mechanics Improving an athlete’s understanding of the
Your glutes—gluteus maximus (your ass)—is the biggest, most powerful muscle on your body. It has been granted with important jobs, such as keeping your body erect, as well as smaller jobs like walking up stairs. Despite its size and importance, many of us have underdeveloped glutes. Some people even think their glutes are completely “shut off”
Das fitVenture Konzept erstmalig in Deutschland! fitVenture sind outdoor Fitness Touren, welche Elemente des funktionellen Training, Cardio- und Krafttraining beinhalten. Das Besondere ist hierbei die Verbindung mit der Natur: Abwechslungsreicher Sport in atemberaubende Landschaften! Das fitVenture Konzept wurde 2014 in Australien erfunden und ist nun erstmalig in Deutschland. Wandern, Sport und Teamgeist in der Natur.
Ditch the I can’t get to the gym excuses because there’s no place like home. I have young kids and can’t get away to make it to the gym. I worked late and the gym was closed. My car is getting fixed and it’s a pain in the ass to bus across the city to